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North Carolina and South Carolina’s Premier Roofing Contractor

We absolutely insist on enjoying life, and treating customers like family!

Reliable New Construction With an Emphasis on Fun

Burish Builders Inc. has years of experience providing outstanding construction services to North Carolina and South Carolina clients. We offer a fortified roofing program and free WOOF inspections to ensure your roof is in good shape. More importantly, we specialize in insurance claims. We love dogs, kiddos, and having FUN in everything we do. We bring our beloved mascot, Jake, to every job, and we’re confident you’ll become fast friends. We are ranked among our peers as the number one place to work, and our commitment to creating an exciting work environment results in superior work for our clients.

concrete tile roof

Versatility Is a Major Part of Our Appeal

We wear a lot of hats, and our versatility is a significant reason for our resounding success. For instance, we specialize in creative exterior home design. But we can also handle exterior and interior projects such as general contracting, siding repairs, and bathroom and kitchen remodeling. If you need it, we can do it. We delight in serving you and will work tirelessly to build a relationship with you and your family. Our goal is to become your go-to resource for all the home improvement projects on your wish list.

roof of a house

About Our FORTIFIED Roof™ Program

Your roof protects your home by keeping the rain out, guarding against the wind, and preventing large-scale damage to your belongings. We offer a program that ensures your roof is more than up to battling the North Carolina storms. FORTIFIED Roof™ products are designed to withstand severe weather conditions commonly created by hurricanes, thunderstorms, hailstorms, and even tornados up to EF-2 strength. Investing in your roof is a no-brainer, and FORTIFIED Roof™ is the way to do so.


We Deliver on Our Lofty Promises

No matter what you need us for, you can count on an unsurpassed degree of professionalism, hard work, and customer service. We take our role in the community seriously and are proud of our reputation for excellence. We will work hard for you and your family. Investing in home improvements is well worth the time and money, and we will do top-notch work, ensuring your house has all the curb appeal and value it deserves. That’s the Burish Builders Inc. difference.